Thursday, September 30, 2010
Hello, my name is Shataa Whittle and I am a Full Service REO Listing and Property Preservation Agent. My Service Areas are Washington DC and Maryland. I offer REO Listing and Property Preservation Services to:
• Banks
• Asset Management Companies
• Financial Institutions
• Corporate Clients
• Investors
My REO Maryland / DC Property Preservation Team and I have the experience to get your portfolio $OLD. We are very knowledge regarding the area and we have a track record of success when working with our asset management clients. As team leader, I am ready to help you move your assets. We have the experience, confidence, marketing channels, and the endurance to assure your success. If you are looking for a reo market leader in DC and Maryland, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you have a property located in Washington DC and or Maryland MD., and you need the assistance of a professional REO Real Estate Listing Agent, Please feel free to contact me.
As a Full Service REO Maryland Listing agent, I offer complete Maryland REO Services which include:
Property Preservation
• Occupancy Checks
• Photographic Documentation
• Securing the property
• Lock Changes
• Winterization
• Interior and Exterior Trash Outs
• Cleaning Services
• Fire/Water Damage Repairs
• General Repairs
• Carpet Cleaning / Replacement
• Painting (Interior / Exterior)
• Board-ups
• Site Inspections
• Lawn & Ground Maintenance
• Tree & Shrub Trimming
• Strom Cleanup
• Contractor Bids
• Snow Removal
• Licensed Professional Electrical & Plumbing Repairs
• Interior Property Repairs
• Light Renovations needed (to meet FHA Guidelines)
• Full Renovations / Repairs needed to get property sold (per approved amounts)
• Restoration of Utilities
• Mold Remediation
• Re-Key Property
• Customized Client Requirements/ Requests
Full REO Listing Agent Services
• BPO Service
• Full Marketing / Sale of Property
• Weekly Property Checks
• Online Status Reporting
• Onsite Settlement Accommodations
• Timely foreclosure problem resolution
• Cash 4 Keys
• Ongoing Contract Coordination
• Ongoing observation of Contract Bids
• Ongoing supervision of work till completion
• Daily regional marketing statistic and neighborhood market information online and available 24/7
• Open House Marketing
• Multiple Listing Service
• Extensive Internet Marketing on personal site & all major real estate sites
• Exposure to My Home Buying Network which consists of Local & National Investors and New Home Buyers
• Full Market Monthly Reports
I offer Maryland REO Services to the Following Zip Codes:
Accokeek 20607
Adelphi 20783
Andrews AFB 20762
Andrews Air Force Base 20762
Aquasco 20608
Annapolis 21401
Annapolis 21402
Annapolis 21403
Annapolis 21404
Annapolis 21405
Annapolis 21409
Annapolis 21411
Annapolis 21412
Arlington 21215
Arnold 21012
Ashton 20861
Aspen Hill 20906
Aspen Hill 20916
Baltimore 21226
Baltimore 21240
Baltimore 21201
Baltimore 21202
Baltimore 21203
Baltimore 21205
Baltimore 21206
Baltimore 21209
Baltimore 21210
Baltimore 21211
Baltimore 21212
Baltimore 21213
Baltimore 21214
Baltimore 21215
Baltimore 21216
Baltimore 21217
Baltimore 21218
Baltimore 21223
Baltimore 21224
Baltimore 21225
Baltimore 21229
Baltimore 21230
Baltimore 21231
Read All My REO Zip Code Coverage Areas...Click here...
Request REO Property Preservation Services NOW....Click here...
Sunday, September 26, 2010
An REO or Real Estate Owned property is a home that’s been through the foreclosure process and is now held by the lending institution that held the mortgage.
A mortgage default is a situation in which someone is not making payments on his or her mortgage, and the loan is considered to be “in default,” meaning that the agency which holds the note can choose to take over the property.
The process of determining the value of an asset or company.
Property Preservation
This involves maintaining the property for the bank.
REO Asset Management
REO Asset management is the process of managing the banks foreclosed homes.
Interior BPO
Interior BPO involves entering the property and evaluating the interior condition of the property for the purposes of helping to establishing the property’s value.
Exterior Drive by BPO
Exterior involves driving by the property and comparing comparables that only includes evaluating the exterior of the property.
REO Property Listing -
REO Property listing is a Real estate Bank Owned Property that is listed with a Real Estate Agent for the purposes of selling the asset
Winterization -
To safeguard all property systems and avoid any problems that could destroy the property during the winter months
Field Inspection Services -
Field Inspection Services includes inspecting the property regularly to assure that the property is in good condition and is secured
Mortgage Contracting Services
Mortgage contracting services includes REO Asset Management and Field Inspection Services for the Bank owned Assets
Exterior – Interior Appraisal
A written justification of the price paid for a property, primarily based on an analysis of comparable sales of similar homes nearby.
appraised value
An opinion of a property's fair market value, based on an appraiser's knowledge, experience, and analysis of the property. Since an appraisal is based primarily on comparable sales, and the most recent sale is the one on the property in question, the appraisal usually comes out at the purchase price.
An individual qualified by education, training, and experience to estimate the value of real property and personal property. Although some appraisers work directly for mortgage lenders, most are independent.
Items of value owned by an individual. Assets that can be quickly converted into cash are considered "liquid assets." These include bank accounts, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and so on. Other assets include real estate, personal property, and debts owed to an individual by others.
bond market
Usually refers to the daily buying and selling of thirty year treasury bonds. Lenders follow this market intensely because as the yields of bonds go up and down, fixed rate mortgages do approximately the same thing. The same factors that affect the Treasury Bond market also affect mortgage rates at the same time. That is why rates change daily, and in a volatile market can and do change during the day as well.
This has different meanings in different states. In some states a real estate transaction is not consider "closed" until the documents record at the local recorders office. In others, the "closing" is a meeting where all of the documents are signed and money changes hands.
closing costs
Closing costs are separated into what are called "non-recurring closing costs" and "pre-paid items." Non-recurring closing costs are any items which are paid just once as a result of buying the property or obtaining a loan. "Pre-paids" are items which recur over time, such as property taxes and homeowners insurance. A lender makes an attempt to estimate the amount of non-recurring closing costs and prepaid items on the Good Faith Estimate which they must issue to the borrower within three days of receiving a home loan application.
comparable sales
Recent sales of similar properties in nearby areas and used to help determine the market value of a property. Also referred to as "comps."
A type of ownership in real property where all of the owners own the property, common areas and buildings together, with the exception of the interior of the unit to which they have title. Often mistakenly referred to as a type of construction or development, it actually refers to the type of ownership.
A condition that must be met before a contract is legally binding. For example, home purchasers often include a contingency that specifies that the contract is not binding until the purchaser obtains a satisfactory home inspection report from a qualified home inspector.
Short for "deed in lieu of foreclosure," this conveys title to the lender when the borrower is in default and wants to avoid foreclosure. The lender may or may not cease foreclosure activities if a borrower asks to provide a deed-in-lieu. Regardless of whether the lender accepts the deed-in-lieu, the avoidance and non-repayment of debt will most likely show on a credit history. What a deed-in-lieu may prevent is having the documents preparatory to a foreclosure being recorded and become a matter of public record.
Failure to make the mortgage payment within a specified period of time. For first mortgages or first trust deeds, if a payment has still not been made within 30 days of the due date, the loan is considered to be in default.
earnest money deposit
A deposit made by the potential home buyer to show that he or she is serious about buying the house.
An item of value, money, or documents deposited with a third party to be delivered upon the fulfillment of a condition. For example, the earnest money deposit is put into escrow until delivered to the seller when the transaction is closed.
escrow account
Once you close your purchase transaction, you may have an escrow account or impound account with your lender. This means the amount you pay each month includes an amount above what would be required if you were only paying your principal and interest. The extra money is held in your impound account (escrow account) for the payment of items like property taxes and homeowner's insurance when they come due. The lender pays them with your money instead of you paying them yourself.
The ownership interest of an individual in real property. The sum total of all the real property and personal property owned by an individual at time of death.
The lawful expulsion of an occupant from real property
fair market value
The highest price that a buyer, willing but not compelled to buy, would pay, and the lowest a seller, willing but not compelled to sell, would accept.
Fannie Mae (FNMA)
The Federal National Mortgage Association, which is a congressionally chartered, shareholder-owned company that is the nation's largest supplier of home mortgage funds. For a discussion of the roles of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac (FHLMC), and Ginnie Mae (GNMA), see the Library.
Fannie Mae's Community Home Buyer's Program
An income-based community lending model, under which mortgage insurers and Fannie Mae offer flexible underwriting guidelines to increase a low- or moderate-income family's buying power and to decrease the total amount of cash needed to purchase a home. Borrowers who participate in this model are required to attend pre-purchase home-buyer education sessions.
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
An agency of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Its main activity is the insuring of residential mortgage loans made by private lenders. The FHA sets standards for construction and underwriting but does not lend money or plan or construct housing.
fee simple
The greatest possible interest a person can have in real estate.
fee simple estate
An unconditional, unlimited estate of inheritance that represents the greatest estate and most extensive interest in land that can be enjoyed. It is of perpetual duration. When the real estate is in a condominium project, the unit owner is the exclusive owner only of the air space within his or her portion of the building (the unit) and is an owner in common with respect to the land and other common portions of the property.
FHA mortgage
A mortgage that is insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). Along with VA loans, an FHA loan will often be referred to as a government loan.
firm commitment
A lender's agreement to make a loan to a specific borrower on a specific property.
The legal process by which a borrower in default under a mortgage is deprived of his or her interest in the mortgaged property. This usually involves a forced sale of the property at public auction with the proceeds of the sale being applied to the mortgage debt.
Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae)
A government-owned corporation within the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Created by Congress on September 1, 1968, GNMA performs the same role as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in providing funds to lenders for making home loans. The difference is that Ginnie Mae provides funds for government loans (FHA and VA)
home inspection
A thorough inspection by a professional that evaluates the structural and mechanical condition of a property. A satisfactory home inspection is often included as a contingency by the purchaser.
homeowners' association
A nonprofit association that manages the common areas of a planned unit development (PUD) or condominium project. In a condominium project, it has no ownership interest in the common elements. In a PUD project, it holds title to the common elements.
homeowner's insurance
An insurance policy that combines personal liability insurance and hazard insurance coverage for a dwelling and its contents.
homeowner's warranty
A type of insurance often purchased by homebuyers that will cover repairs to certain items, such as heating or air conditioning, should they break down within the coverage period. The buyer often requests the seller to pay for this coverage as a condition of the sale, but either party can pay.
HUD median income
Median family income for a particular county or metropolitan statistical area (MSA), as estimated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
HUD-1 settlement statement
A document that provides an itemized listing of the funds that were paid at closing. Items that appear on the statement include real estate commissions, loan fees, points, and initial escrow (impound) amounts. Each type of expense goes on a specific numbered line on the sheet. The totals at the bottom of the HUD-1 statement define the seller's net proceeds and the buyer's net payment at closing. It is called a HUD1 because the form is printed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The HUD1 statement is also known as the "closing statement" or "settlement sheet."
A decision made by a court of law. In judgments that require the repayment of a debt, the court may place a lien against the debtor's real property as collateral for the judgment's creditor.
judicial foreclosure
A type of foreclosure proceeding used in some states that is handled as a civil lawsuit and conducted entirely under the auspices of a court. Other states use non-judicial foreclosure.
legal description
A property description, recognized by law, that is sufficient to locate and identify the property without oral testimony.
A term which can refer to the institution making the loan or to the individual representing the firm. For example, loan officers are often referred to as "lenders."
A person's financial obligations. Liabilities include long-term and short-term debt, as well as any other amounts that are owed to others.
liability insurance
Insurance coverage that offers protection against claims alleging that a property owner's negligence or inappropriate action resulted in bodily injury or property damage to another party. It is usually part of a homeowner's insurance policy.
legal claim against a property that must be paid off when the property is sold. A mortgage or first trust deed is considered a lien.
loan servicing
After you obtain a loan, the company you make the payments to is "servicing" your loan. They process payments, send statements, manage the escrow/impound account, provide collection efforts on delinquent loans, ensure that insurance and property taxes are made on the property, handle pay-offs and assumptions, and provide a variety of other services.
multidwelling units
Properties that provide separate housing units for more than one family, although they secure only a single mortgage.
notice of default
A formal written notice to a borrower that a default has occurred and that legal action may be taken.
PITI reserves
A cash amount that a borrower must have on hand after making a down payment and paying all closing costs for the purchase of a home. The principal, interest, taxes, and insurance (PITI) reserves must equal the amount that the borrower would have to pay for PITI for a predefined number of months.
A loosely used term which is generally taken to mean that a borrower has completed a loan application and provided debt, income, and savings documentation which an underwriter has reviewed and approved. A pre-approval is usually done at a certain loan amount and making assumptions about what the interest rate will actually be at the time the loan is actually made, as well as estimates for the amount that will be paid for property taxes, insurance and others. A pre-approval applies only to the borrower. Once a property is chosen, it must also meet the underwriting guidelines of the lender. Contrast with pre-qualification
This usually refers to the loan officer's written opinion of the ability of a borrower to qualify for a home loan, after the loan officer has made inquiries about debt, income, and savings. The information provided to the loan officer may have been presented verbally or in the form of documentation, and the loan officer may or may not have reviewed a credit report on the borrower.
public auction
A meeting in an announced public location to sell property to repay a mortgage that is in default.
purchase agreement
A written contract signed by the buyer and seller stating the terms and conditions under which a property will be sold.
purchase money transaction
The acquisition of property through the payment of money or its equivalent.
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA)
A consumer protection law that requires lenders to give borrowers advance notice of closing costs.
real property
Land and appurtenances, including anything of a permanent nature such as structures, trees, minerals, and the interest, benefits, and inherent rights thereof.
right of first refusal
A provision in an agreement that requires the owner of a property to give another party the first opportunity to purchase or lease the property before he or she offers it for sale or lease to others.
An organization that collects principal and interest payments from borrowers and manages borrowers' escrow accounts. The servicer often services mortgages that have been purchased by an investor in the secondary mortgage market.
The collection of mortgage payments from borrowers and related responsibilities of a loan servicer.
settlement statement
See HUD1 Settlement Statement
A housing development that is created by dividing a tract of land into individual lots for sale or lease.
A legal document evidencing a person's right to or ownership of a property.
title company
A company that specializes in examining and insuring titles to real estate.
title insurance
Insurance that protects the lender (lender's policy) or the buyer (owner's policy) against loss arising from disputes over ownership of a property.
title search
A check of the title records to ensure that the seller is the legal owner of the property and that there are no liens or other claims outstanding.
transfer of ownership
Any means by which the ownership of a property changes hands. Lenders consider all of the following situations to be a transfer of ownership: the purchase of a property "subject to" the mortgage, the assumption of the mortgage debt by the property purchaser, and any exchange of possession of the property under a land sales contract or any other land trust device.
transfer tax
State or local tax payable when title passes from one owner to another
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Maryland Foreclosure Prevention Help Information
Short Sales – REO Listing Service – CDPE – Certified Distressed Property Expert – REO Realtors – Real Estate Listing Agents – Foreclosures Alternatives – Programs – Preforclosure Options – Loan Modification Options – Foreclosure Help - REO Listing Agent - Property Preservation Companies - Maryland Foreclosures - Washington DC Foreclosures - Short Sales Realtor - Short Sell Real Estate Agent
Are you facing foreclosure? Do you need Help? Don’t Wait, Until it’s too late! Get informed about pre foreclosure options that can help! There are many options that are available, do you know about them? There are many Save The Dream Seminars and tours that can provide the assistance and information that you need to save your house! Did you know about the:
- Maryland Foreclosure Mediation Program?
- Foreclosure Alternatives
- Short Sale is a ...
- HAFA Program
- HAMP Program
- Foreclosure Information
- Short Sale Listing Agent
Prince Georges County – PG Maryland Real Estate Communities
Upper Marlboro Maryland, Clinton Maryland Real Estate, Riverdale Heights Md., Seabrook Maryland Real Estate, Seabrook Acres Real Estate in Maryland, Seat Pleasant Maryland, Maryland Silver Hill, South Laurel MD. , Suitland Maryland, Tantallon Water front MD, Temple Hills Maryland Realestate, Upper Marlboro Maryland New Developments, Walker Mill Maryland, Woodmore Luxury Real Estate, Woodyard , Accokeek Maryland Real Estate , Adelphi, Ardmore, Ardwick, Beltsville, Berkshire, Berwyn, Berwyn Heights, Bladensburg Maryland Real Estate, Heights, Bowie, Bradbury Heights, Bradbury Park, Brandywine Maryland Real Estate, Brandywine Heights, Brentwood, Brightseat, Camp Springs, Capitol Heights, Carmody Hills, Carole Highlands, Chapel Hill, Chapel Oaks, Cheltenham Md Real Estate, Cherry Hill Maryland Real Estate , Chestnut Hills, Cheverly Maryland Real Estate,Chillum,Chillum Gardens,Chillum Heights, Chillum Manor, Clinton Maryland Real Estate, Clinton Heights, College Park*, College Park Woods, Collington, Colmar Manor*, Columbia Park, Coral Hills, District Heights, Edmonston, Fairmount Heights*, Forest Heights Maryland Real Estate,Forest Manor, Forestville Maryland Real Estate, Fort Washington Maryland Real Estate, Glassmanor, Glenarden*, Glendale Heights, Glenn Dale New Homes Realestate, Greater Capitol Heights, Greenbelt*, Hyattsville, Hyattsville Hills, Kent Village, Kentland, Kerby Hill, Kettering,Lake Arbor,Landover,Landover Hills*,Landover Park,Langley Park, Lanham, Largo, Laurel,Marlow Heights, Marlton, Mitchellville Maryland Real Estate, Mount Calvert, Mount Rainier Maryland Real Estate, Muirkirk, New Carrollton*,North Brentwood Maryland Real Estate,North Forestville,North Kenilworth, Oxon Hill Maryland Real Estate, Oxon Run Hills, Palmer Park , Peppermill Village Maryland Real Estate, Piscataway, Piscataway Hills Maryland Real Estate,
Wheaton Maryland Realestate, Wheaton Crest, Wheaton Forest, Wheaton Hills, Wheaton Woods, White Oak, Rock Creek Hills Maryland Realestate, Rock Creek Knolls, Rock Creek Palisades, Rock Creek Village, Rockcrest , Rockland, Rockville Maryland Realestate, Sandy Spring Maryland Realestate, Seven Oaks Realestate , Silver Rock Maryland Realestate, Silver Spring, Silver Spring Park, Sligo Park Hills, Sligo Woods, Spring Hill, Spring Lake Park, Stoney Brook Estates, Takoma Park Maryland Realestate, Valley Stream Estates, Viers Mill Village, Whitehall Manor, Wickford, Wildwood Hills, Wildwood Manor, Potomac Luxury Maryland Realestate , Lake Normandy Estates, Lakewood Estates, Landon Village, Larchmont Knolls Linden, Locust Hill Estates, Lone Oak, Longwood,Mohican Hills,Monterrey Village Montgomery Hills, Montgomery Knolls Maryland Realestate, Montgomery Square Montgomery Village, North Bethesda Maryland Realestate, North Chevy Chase, North Hills Sligo Park Maryland Realestate, North Kensington , North Potomac, North Takoma Park, Northbrook Estates , Northwest Park , Northwest Park Maryland Realestate, Northwood Forest, Norwood Estates, Old Georgetown Estates, Old Germantown, Old Salem Village, Olney, Paint Branch Farms Parkside, Parkview Estates, Parkwood, Potomac Md Realestate, Potomac Falls, Potomac Hunt Acres, Potomac Manors, Potomac Woods, Rock Creek Forest Rock Creek Gardens, Forest Estates, Forest Glen Maryland Realestate, Forest Glen Park, Four Corners Real Etate, Fox Hills, Foxhall Realestate, Franklin Knolls Realestate, Friendship, Friendship Village, Gaithersburg Realestate, Garrett Park Estates, Georgetown Village Realestate, Glen Realestate, Glen Cove,Glen Echo Realestate, Glen Echo Heights Md Realestate, Glen Hills, Realestate in Glenbrook, Great Falls, Green Acres, Huntington Realestate, Jerusalem Realestate, Kemp Mill Estates, Kensington Maryland Realestate, Kensington Estates, Aspen Hill Maryland Realestate,Aspen Hill Park, Aspen Knolls, Bel Pre Farms, Bells Mill, Bethesda Maryland Realestate, Beverly Farms, Bradley Farms Maryland Realestate, Bradley Hills, Bradley Hills Grove, Bradley Woods, Chestnut Hills, Chestnut Ridge, Chevy Chase, Chevy Chase Lake, Chevy Chase Manor, Chevy Chase Section 4, Chevy Chase Section Five, Chevy Chase Section Three, Chevy Chase Terrace , Chevy Chase View, Chevy Chase Village, Colesville Maryland Realestate, Colesville Park, Columbia Forest, Connecticut Avenue Estates, Connecticut Avenue Hills, Connecticut Avenue Park, Connecticut Gardens, Cresthaven, Crestview, Clarksburg 20871
Annapolis,Annapolis Roads,Arden on the Severn,Argonne Hills, Arnold , Arundel Beach, Arundel, Gardens, Arundel Village, Avalon Shores, Back Bay Beach , Eagle Hill, Earleigh Heights, Eastport, Edgewater, Edgewater Beach, Glen Burnie, Gotts, Green Haven, Greenock, Harbor View, Herald Harbor, Hidden Point, High Point, Highland Beach, Lake Shore, Lakeland, Lands End, Laurel Acres, Leitch, Leon, Linstead-on-the-Severn, Linthicum, Linthicum Heights, Severn, Pasadena
Attn: Distressed Home Owners
Do you need to sell your home now? Are you facing foreclosure and would like to obtain a FREE Home Selling Analysis? If so, Shataa Whittle can help. She is a CDPE – Certified Distressed Property Expert and she can help you by giving you information on Preforeclosure Alternatives. These Foreclosure Help Alternatives have been put in place by the Federal Government to help distressed home owner who are facing foreclosures. If you live in PG County and need this FREE Foreclosure Prevention Information, Please do not hesitate to contact her. As a CDPE, Shataa has the experience needed to HELP! For more information on how Shataa helps distressed home owners save their house, click here…Everyone does not have to experience a Foreclosure. There is HELP, don’t wait until it’s too late! Get started today
Baltimore County MD. Real Estate
Reservior Hill, Baldwin, Ballard Gardens, Baltimore Highlands, Beetree, Belfast, Belle Farm Estates, Belltown, Belmont, Brooklandville, Burnbrae, Canterbury Estates, Cape May Beach, Catonsville, Catonsville Heights, Catonsville Manor ,Edmondson Ridge, Eklo, Elmwood, Franklintown, Franklinville, Glen Falls, Glen Morris, Glendale, Glenmar Manor, Glenmont, Greenbrier, Hillendale Farms, Hillendale Park, Hoffmanville, Towson, Towson Estates, Towson Park, Trenton, Trenton Mill, Troyer, Turner,Tyler, Upper Falls, Upperco, Valley Crest, Valley Mill, Valley Stream, Vernon,Verona, Perry Hall Estates, Perry Hall Manor, Phoenix, Pikesville, Pine Ridge, Pinehurst,Piney Hill, Pleasant Grove, Pleasant Hill, Poplar, Porters Park, Pot Spring, Prettyboy, Priceville, Providence, Putty Hill, Ralston, Ramona Beach, Ranchleigh,
Randallstown, Rayville, Baltimore City, Reservior Hill, Eutaw
Shataa Whittle is a Realtor that provides real estate services to clients within the DC Metro Area. She is a licensed professional in Washington DC and Maryland. She incorporates a sophisticated approach, extensive area knowledge, and a clearly focused mind when it comes to working with her clients. This experience has provided her with great insight into how real estate values are formed and how they interact with the dynamics of the Maryland Real Estate Market and the DC Real Estate Market. Shataa brings this experience enthusiastically to her clients, as she provides a truly in depth analysis of the market that affects their real estate needs. As a Licensed Professional Listing Agent, she is dedicated to the best interest of her clients. She truly values her client’s time and attention when showing properties. To assure good time management , she incorporates a “Wish List” to make sure that her clients are shown properties that are of interest to them. Shataa serves clients seeking homes of all sizes, from condos, to cottages, to castles, to Luxury Homes. She has successful track record and extensive experience working with first-time home buyers as well as those looking to move up to their dream home. If you are considering Home buying or selling a home, then she invites you to contact her to learn more about how she can help you to accomplish your real estate goals. Read more about Realtor Shataa Whittle….
Charles County Md.- Maryland Real Estate
Waldorf Md. Real Estate , St Charles Maryland Realestate
It can be really hard to find the right realtor with so many local real estate brokerage firms to choose, however you have certainly found that needle in a haystack and Your local Realty Partner can help you find your dream home, upgrade or downgrade your house. You can rest assure that as a Client of Shataa Whittle, she will consider your best interest in every real estate transaction and will help you understand your contracts so that you can make informed decisions regarding your real estate transactions. Contact her today for a Real Estate Consultation!
More information on : MD Real Estate REO Agent services, Licensed Short Sale Listing Realty Professionals, Maryland REO Property Management Agents, Foreclosure Listing Real Estate Agents in Maryland, Md. Realtors, DC Metro Area Licensed Professional Agent, Maryland Home Selling, Real Estate Listing Agents in Maryland, Maryland Loan Modification Information, DC Short Sale Professional Selling Agent, New Home Buyers Seminar, Washington Metro Area Bank owned REO properties, Foreclosures, Loans and Mortgages, HOA, Condo Association Board, Bethesda, Real Estate Glossary -Lease Abstract Glossary, Maryland REO Property Management Services, Maryland Official Home Page, PG County Official Home Page, PG County Schools , Montgomery County Public Schools, Entertainment in Maryland, All Maryland Cities & Townships Guide, Maryland Realtors, Maryland Real Estate Agents
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Maryland City 20724, Montgomery Village Silver Spring Maryland Zip Codes: 20877, 20879, 20886, 20877, 20879, 20886 - Mt Washington 21209 - Marlow Heights 20748, 20748 - Mitchellville : 20716, 20717, 20721, Montpelier: 20708, 20709 - Mount Rainier: 20712 -
N Bethesda 20852 - N Potomac 20878 - No Potomac 20878 - North Bethesda20852 -North Potomac 20878 Northwood 21239 - N Brentwood 20722 - N Englewood 20785 - New Carrolltn 20784 -New Carrollton 20784 - No Brentwood 20722 , North Englewood 20785
Olney Maryland Zip Codes: 20830 , 20832, - Oxon Hill 20745, 20750, Potomac Maryland Zip Codes:20854, 20859 - Randallstown 21133 - Reisterstown 21136 -
Rockville Maryland: 20847,20848, 20849,20850,20851, 20852, 20853,20854, 20855, 20857,20859Riverdale 20737 - Riverdale 20738 - Sandy Spring Maryland 21150, 20860 - Silver Spring Maryland:20901, 20902,20903, 20904, 20905,20906,20907,20908,20910, 20911, 20912, 20913, 20914, 20915, 20916, 20918, 20993, 20997 - Spencerville 20868 - Seabrook 20706 - Seat Pleasant 20743 , - Springdale 20774 - Suitland : 20746, 20752,
Takoma Park Maryland :20901,20912, 20913
Temple Hills :20748, 20757, University Pa 20782 20782 Upper Marlboro Maryland- 20772, 20773, 20774, 20775,20792,20772,20773,20774,20775,20792,20774
W Friendship, 21794West Friendship21794-Woodbine 21797-W Bethesda 20827,-Wheaton 20902,20915 - W Hyattsville : 20782, 20788,20782
N Bethesda 20852 - N Potomac 20878 - No Potomac 20878 - North Bethesda20852 -North Potomac 20878 Northwood 21239 - N Brentwood 20722 - N Englewood 20785 - New Carrolltn 20784 -New Carrollton 20784 - No Brentwood 20722 , North Englewood 20785
Olney Maryland Zip Codes: 20830 , 20832, - Oxon Hill 20745, 20750, Potomac Maryland Zip Codes:20854, 20859 - Randallstown 21133 - Reisterstown 21136 -
Rockville Maryland: 20847,20848, 20849,20850,20851, 20852, 20853,20854, 20855, 20857,20859Riverdale 20737 - Riverdale 20738 - Sandy Spring Maryland 21150, 20860 - Silver Spring Maryland:20901, 20902,20903, 20904, 20905,20906,20907,20908,20910, 20911, 20912, 20913, 20914, 20915, 20916, 20918, 20993, 20997 - Spencerville 20868 - Seabrook 20706 - Seat Pleasant 20743 , - Springdale 20774 - Suitland : 20746, 20752,
Takoma Park Maryland :20901,20912, 20913
Temple Hills :20748, 20757, University Pa 20782 20782 Upper Marlboro Maryland- 20772, 20773, 20774, 20775,20792,20772,20773,20774,20775,20792,20774
W Friendship, 21794West Friendship21794-Woodbine 21797-W Bethesda 20827,-Wheaton 20902,20915 - W Hyattsville : 20782, 20788,20782